Fr. Harry Winter
Posted on March 20, 2022 by Harry Winter, O.M.I.
March 20, 2022
Fasting, Evangelization and Joy during Lent
Many thanks to those who responded to the Feb.19 Five Ways e-letter.
The Joyful Noiseletter, from the Fellowship of Merry Christians, has recently been insisting that fasting is
not only a religious practice, but absolutely necessary for good health. Its Jan-Feb and March-April
issues stress this in many ways. Short, occasional fasting does so much good for both our bodies and
souls. Well worth considering during Lent.
Stephanie Saldana, in her marvelous article “A Community of Song,” describing Taize, reminds us that
Lent is a time to invite people to join us in our churches. If you google her name, the entire America
magazine article comes up and is very readable and inspiring.
With the Holy Week messages so necessary for life in our turbulent world, consider inviting non-believers
and especially drop out Catholics to the Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and
Easter Sunday services.
Let us join Pope Francis, and all the bishops of the world, as they consecrate the Ukraine and Russia to
the Immaculate Heart of Mary, according to the Fatima message, this Friday, March 25, on the Solemnity
of the Annunciation of Mary.
My thanks to Margot Ferry Adams for sending me the item below: some joy and inspiration for Lent.
Gratefully in Christ,
Fr. Harry Winter, O.M.I.
Category: Five Ways Newsletters
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