Second Oblate Parish and Madeleine Delbrêl

Posted on February 10, 2022

Kathy Ferreira
Kathy Ferreira

The first Oblate parish in the USA to have a parishioner who is making the Dorothy Day of France well known is St. Casimir’s Parish in St. Paul, MN, and the parishioner is LauraRose Paradis (see May 28, 2019, click here). When Fr. Mike O’Hara, O.M.I. and I came to lead St. Mary’s parish in Georgetown, MA, we discovered another parishioner doing the same thing:  Kathy McCarthy Ferreira.  Kathy edited the first edition of the comprehensive biography of Delbrel for author Charles F. Mann, Madeleine Delbrel, A Life Beyond Boundaries, New World Press (San Francisco, CA, Copyright 1996, 1998, and 2000).

Although Kathy did no editing for the second or third (2000) editions, inscribed in the copy Kathy loaned me of the 2000 edition are these words by Mann:  “Madeleine and I are still kicking around, doing another edition, a third act together:  same well-seasoned smile, same loving story, and same deep gratitude to you for all your fine editing and friendly support.”

The monthly Magnificat magazine continues to print meditations from the books by Delbrel, which are posted on the Family/Laity page of Mission-Unity-Dialogue,  Other items by or about Delbrel are posted on the home page, along with a photo of LauraRose and her husband, Maynard Guenther.

Madeleine Delbrêl
Madeleine Delbrêl

Delbrel’s actions with the community she inspired, and her writings continue to lead the Catholic Church to give more attention to the laity. Oblate Father Jean Gueguen  and other French Oblates are instrumental in promoting her writings and example.

May LauraRose Paradis and Kathy Ferreira help every Oblate to be strengthened by Venerable Madeleine Delbrel as we seek to give our laity their rightful place in leading evangelism.